Europe Trip 2026

Spring Break 2026

Enrollment Page:



This webpage serves to inform interested participants about an upcoming tour organized by faculty members of Luther Preparatory School in collaboration with an external tour agency. While members of the Luther Preparatory School faculty are facilitating the coordination of this tour, it is important to note that the school acts solely as a liaison and does not directly oversee the operational aspects of the trip.


Participants are advised that Luther Preparatory School assumes no liability or responsibility for any risks, incidents, or occurrences that may arise during the course of the tour. The external tour agency will manage all logistical arrangements and safety protocols. Participants are encouraged to review the terms and conditions provided by the tour agency regarding cancellation policies, insurance coverage, and any other pertinent information.


By registering for the tour, participants acknowledge and accept that Luther Preparatory School and its faculty members are not liable for any personal injury, loss, damage, or inconvenience incurred during the trip. It is recommended that participants obtain appropriate travel insurance and adhere to any guidelines or instructions provided by the tour agency to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.


Please direct any inquiries or concerns regarding the tour to the designated contact person at Luther Preparatory School or the external tour agency.